Montag, 1. Juni 2009

You know Europe

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Im Innsbrucker Moustache gab es gestern das Grüne EU Pub Quiz "Do you know Europe". 85 Menschen haben mitgespielt, und es war nach übereinstimmender Einschätzung sehr schwierig. Über die Europa-Brettspiele haben sich die GewinnerInnen jedenfalls gefreut, und offenbar hatten sie Unterstützung aus den USA nötig um zu gewinnen. Mir hat's jedenfalls Spaß gemacht, und falls jemand noch Fragen oder die Antworten dazu sucht einfach bei mir melden.

13 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Ich hätte eine Frage:
Warum gibt es keinen Bericht vom Gebi über das grandiose Abschneiden der GRAS bei der ÖH Wahl? (minus 4% in Innsbruck)

Gebi Mair hat gesagt…

Weil ich mir derzeit mit der politischen Einschätzung etwas schwer tue, zu analysieren was das Problem war. Und am liebsten schreibe ich dann über Dinge, wenn ich glaube sie zu verstehen. Außerdem gibt es noch kein endgültiges Ergebnis der ÖH-Wahlen, weil die Zuordnung der FH-Mandate zu den Fraktionen noch nicht fix ist und deshalb die Stärke in der Bundesvertretung noch nicht endgültig.

Dass die GRAS an der Uni Innsbruck verloren hat ist natürlich nicht schön, dass sie einige Studienvertretungen und Fachschaften gewonnen hat (da gibts jetzt auch welche mit 100% GRAS bzw GRAS-Umfeld) freut mich dafür auch.

Gebi Mair hat gesagt…



1. Which are the words of the first line of the treaty of Lisbon? (after the introduction): His Majesty, the King of the Belgians
2. In the 2004 EP-elections, which country had the highest vote turnout and which had the lowest? ½ point each. Belgium 90,81 / Slovakia 16,66
3. How many MEPs does the European People's Party (Europäische Volkspartei) have in the EP at the moment? 264 (38%)
4. What is the official name of Greece? Hellas.
5. What is the motto of the European Union? United in diversity (in Vielfalt geeint)
6. Who was the EU commissioner who wished death to Fidel Castro and died soon afterwards of cancer? Loyola de Palacio
7. What are the five Maastricht criteria? ½ point each: price stability, budget deficit, public debt, interest rates, exchange rate stability
8. Who was the president of the convention for a treaty for Europe? Valery Giscard d'Estaing
9. How many official languages does the European Union have? 23
10. Which country will take over the presidency of the council of the European Union on July 1st, 2009? Sweden

Gebi Mair hat gesagt…


1. How many inhabitants does the capital of Malta have? La Valetta, 7.050 (correct: under 20.000)
2. What is the longest bridge in Europe? (including viaducts, whole construction) Vasco da Gama, Portugal
3. Where is the center of Europe (continent)? Close to Vilnius, Lithuania
4. Which is the biggest monument in Europe? Völkerschlachtdenkmal, monument to the battle of the nations, Leipzig
5. Which city is home to the largest building in Europe (square meters)? Bucharest
6. Which is the deepest lake in Europe (continent)? Hornindalsvatnet, Norway 514 m
7. Which European capital lies at the highest altitude? Madrid, 665
8. Which country borders the highest number of EU member states? Germany
9. How many inhabitants does the European Union have? 498 million (plus / minus 5)
10. Which EU member state has the highest share of people older than 85? Italy, 5.5

Gebi Mair hat gesagt…


1. Finland
2. Danmark
3. Ireland
4. Sweden
5. Portugal
6. Malta
7. Latvia
8. Germany
9. Czech Republic

Gebi Mair hat gesagt…


1. When was the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) founded? 1957
2. (Multiple choice): In Greek mythology, what was Nike the Goddess of? Sport, Victory or Wisdom?
3. Which treaty was signed by European leaders on February, 26th, 2001 and came into force February, 1st, 2003? - Treaty of Nice
4. Which two statesmen concluded the Elisee-Treaty, also known as the Treaty of Friendship in 1963? Konrad Adenauer & Charles de Gaulle
5. In which year did Turkey first make an application to access to the European community?- 1987
6. The word „Europe“ derives from the Assyrian word „erp“. What does this mean? dark
7. What's the official birthday of the EU? May 9th, 1950
8. Which two cities were the first to be connected by the TGV in 1981? Paris – Lyon
9. Who was the first European in space and is now Member of the European Parliament? Vladimir Remek, Czech Republic, 1978/2004
10. Which secret group is said to have been connected to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914? - the black hand (unification or death / crna ruka - Ujedinjenje ili Smrt)

Gebi Mair hat gesagt…

½ point for country, artist

1 Dana International: Diva, Israel 1998 (1.)

2 Deen: In the Disco, Bosnien 2004 (9.)

3 Nicole: Ein bisschen Frieden, Deutschland 1982 (1.)

4 Vicky Leandros: Apres toi, Luxemburg 1972 (1.)

5 Olsen Brothers: Fly on the Wings of Love, Dänemark 2000 (1.)

6 Zdob si Zdub: Bunica bate toba (Großmutter haut auf die Pauke), Moldawien 2005 (6.)

7 Gali Atari + Milk and Honey: Hallelujah, Israel 1979 (1.)

8 Cliff Richard: Congratulations, UK 1968 (2.)

9 Schmetterlinge: Boom boom boomerang, Österreich 1977 (17.)

10 Manuel Ortega: Say a word, Österreich 2002 (18.)

Gebi Mair hat gesagt…

1. Which element was discovered in 1817 , has a melting point of 320.9oC and the atomic number 42 - Cadmium
2. How would you call the accommodation of flowers to the pollination of birds. - Ornithophily
3. Who received the nobel price for his discovery of human papilloma viruses causing cervical cancer in the year 2008? Hint: German.– Harald zur Hausen
4. What is the centrepiece of EU nature & biodiversity policy - Natura 2000
5. What is the modern unit of Radioactivity? becquerel
6. What Greek mathematician is often referred to as the "Father of Geometry"? - euclid
7. Which city has famous citizens like Peter Henlein, the inventor of the portable timekeeper and Martin Behaim, the inventor of the first globe? - Nuremberg
8. Who is the Goddess of fertility in Greek mythology? - Demeter
9. What medicine contains Loperamide and is a very helpful medicine against diarrhoea? - Imodium
10. Of what disease did Marie Curie’s sister die at the age of 15, causing Marie Curie to give up Catholicism and become agnostic? – typhus

Gebi Mair hat gesagt…


1. In which sport would you win the Sam McGuire Trophy? Gaelic Football
2. What teamsport’s European Championship is going to take part in Austria in 2010? Handball
3. What’s the origin of the word “sports” and what did it actually mean? Latin: “se portare”, what means “having fun”.
4. Where can you find the oldest golf course of the world? Old links golf course at Musselburgh, Scottland; 1567 Mary Stuart was playing her first putts there. (corect: Scotland)
5. Which two teams played the football match with 4 red cards and 16 yellow cards at the World Championship 2006 in Germany? Portugal (2 red, 9 yellow) vs. The Netherlands (2red, 7 yellow)
6. What sport was at the centre of „Death In The Afternoon“ by Ernest Hemingway?
Bullfighting in Spain
7. which countries are the full members of the rugby league european federation? (england, france, russia)
8. what is the women's european record in mobile phone throwing? (46,01)
9. on which place is austria ranked in the uefa coefficient (fünfjahreswertung)? (20)
10. which sports event with 12.000 participants will take place in cologne in 2010? (gay games)

Anonym hat gesagt…

Lieber Gebi, Cadmium hat die Ordnungszahl 48 und nicht 42!!!!!!
42 wäre Molybdän...

Gebi Mair hat gesagt…

Hi, ja steht in der Unterlage falsch drin, ist uns beim Pub-Quiz aber aufgefallen und wir haben es mündlich korrigiert. Hier habe ich vergessen, den Fehler herauszunehmen. Sorry.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Das hat tatsächlich jemand gewusst?
Also die Ordnungszahl kennt ma als Chemie-Student, aber den Schmelzpunkt von Molybdän....

julia hat gesagt…

gewusst hat jemand, dass es nicht cadmium sein kann, weil das eben 48 und nicht 42 hat und dass 42 molybdän ist. der schmelzpunkt bei MO liegt auch bedeutend höher (2623o Celsius), weshalb die fleißigen chemikerInnen beim pubquiz sofort protestiert haben :)
ganz klar mein fehler, ich falle leider nicht in die kategorie fleißie chemikerIn, es wäre mir niemals aufgefallen, dass da was faul sein müsste, und so hab ichs schlichtweg falsch aus dem alleswissendem internet abgeschrieben...